My name is Bob Collins and I’ve had sporadic backproblems most of my life. My back pain started with something as simple asthrowing a football when I was in my teens. Years later, an orthopedic surgeon wouldtell me that I had two herniated disks (L3 & L5) and that I would probablyneed surgery within ten years. It’s been over twenty years since the doctor’s diagnosis,and although my back pain flares up occasionally, thankfully I have avoided surgery.
It was only after I joined an office furniture company and was educated on the science of ergonomics that I found out the enormous emotional and financial burden back pain puts on individuals and companies. I also discovered that poorly designed chairs and poor posture are major culprits of recurring back issues. Contributing to the problem is that the average American now spends 12 hours sitting every single day, putting a tremendous amount of strain on our backs, which can cause chronic pain, herniated disks, pinched nerves and poor health.
If you have to sit for extended periods of time because of work, the experts recommend using an ergonomic chair. They offer great health benefits, but who can afford them? They are extremely expensive, costing as much as $1,500.
I thought to myself, there has to be a less expensive solution. So, I went to work looking for the
ultimate sitting experience that people can afford. An ergonomic seat cushion that helps you sit
up straight, improves your posture, reduces back discomfort and lower back pain. And just as
importantly, a cushion that doesn’t break the bank costing you 1,000’s of dollars like the top
selling ergonomic chairs.
I am happy to say I have accomplished my goal with the launch of the Cloud 9 Seat Cushion, an
ergonomically designed seat cushion that is lightweight and portable. It works great on office
chairs, home chairs, car seats, airplane seats and wheelchairs. Simply place the Cloud 9 on
your existing chair and experience what I believe is the World’s Most Comfortable Seat
The economic impact of back pain on companies and individuals in the US is enormous. Backpain is a massive problem companies and employees face every year with medical cost, lostwages and decreased productivity. Companies should take steps to reduce back injuries byeducating their employees on what causes back injuries and provide helpful suggestions on prevention.
It starts with choosing an appropriate ergonomic chair or cushion that promotesgood posture. Also making healthy lifestyle choices, take frequent short breaks and exercise ona regular basis can often reduce back pain, or even prevent it before it starts. Studies showhealthy employees tend to be more productive, happier, and less costly in terms of health careexpenses.